Mari Rege, Date of Birth


Mari Rege


Date of Birth: 19-Jun-1974

Profession: professor, economist

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Mari Rege

  • Mari Rege (born 1974) is a Norwegian economist and professor of economics at the University of Stavanger.
  • Appointed there in 2009, she is the youngest such professor to be appointed in Norway.
  • She specializes in family, gender equality, working life, and school performance issues.Rege received a cand.polit.
  • degree in economics from the University of Oslo in 1998 and a dr.polit.
  • degree in 2002.
  • She was an assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University from 2002 to 2006 and an associate professor at the University of Stavanger in 2006, where she became a full professor in 2009.
  • She was one of twenty young researchers awarded a four-year scholarship for Outstanding Young Investigators by the Research Council of Norway in 2007. From 2008 to 2009, she was a member of the Commission of Income Distribution in Norway.
  • She is a frequent commentator in her fields of expertise in Norwegian media, and is an op-ed columnist for Aftenposten and other newspapers.In August 2010, she was awarded the 2009 "Stavanger Forum formidlingspris" award for research dissemination.

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