Oswald Wirth, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Oswald Wirth

Swiss occultist

Date of Birth: 05-Aug-1860

Place of Birth: Brienz, canton of Bern, Switzerland

Date of Death: 09-Mar-1943

Profession: writer, librarian

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Oswald Wirth

  • Joseph Paul Oswald Wirth (1860, Brienz, Canton of Bern ā€“ 1943) was a Swiss occultist, artist and author.
  • He studied esotericism and symbolism with Stanislas de Guaita and in 1889 he created, under the guidance of de Guaita, a cartomantic Tarot consisting only of the twenty-two major arcana.
  • Known as the "Arcanes du Tarot kabbalistique", it followed the designs of the Tarot de Marseille closely but introduced several alterations, incorporating extant occult symbolism into the cards.
  • The Wirth/de Guaita deck is significant in the history of the occult tarot for being the first in a long line of occult, cartomantic, and initiatory decks.
  • His interests also included Freemasonry and Astrology.
  • He wrote many books in French regarding Freemasonry, most importantly a set of three each explaining one of Freemasonry's first three degrees: La Franc-MaƧonnerie rendue intelligible Ć  ses adeptes, tome 1: L'apprenti La Franc-MaƧonnerie rendue intelligible Ć  ses adeptes, tome 2: Le Compagnon La Franc-MaƧonnerie rendue intelligible Ć  ses adeptes, tome 3: Le MaĆ®tre

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