Mary Agria, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Mary Agria

American writer and journalist

Date of Birth: 24-Mar-1941

Place of Birth: United States of America, United States

Profession: novelist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Mary Agria

  • Mary A Agria (born 24 March 1941) is an American writer who spent her early career as a journalist and non-fiction writer, then in 'retirement' began writing a series of novels that deal with the issues facing older Americans, including finding meaning in one's senior years, resolving parent-child relationships and facing the ultimate realities of change and loss that are part of the human experience. In 2006 her novel, Time in a Garden, appeared on best-seller fiction lists all over northern Michigan.
  • She has written five novels (For Things Left Undone, 2001; Time in a Garden, 2006; Vox Humana: The Human Voice, 2007; In Transit, 2008; and Community of Scholars, 2009) and numerous non-fiction books, articles and texts.

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