Mary Ellen Solt, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Mary Ellen Solt

American poet

Date of Birth: 08-Jul-1920

Place of Birth: Gilmore City, Iowa, United States

Date of Death: 21-Jun-2007

Profession: writer, poet

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Mary Ellen Solt

  • Mary Ellen Solt, née Bottom (July 8, 1920 in Gilmore City, Iowa – June 21, 2007) was an American concrete poet, essayist, translator, editor, and professor.
  • Her work was most notably poems in the shape of flowers such as "Forsythia", "Lilac", and "Geranium".
  • They were collected in Flowers in Concrete (1966). In 1968 Solt edited the groundbreaking and historically significant anthology Concrete Poetry: A World View, which the New York Times wrote was "considered one of the major anthologies of the form." In Concrete Poetry : A World View, she collected, translated, introduced, and contextualizing the global movement of concrete poetry that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s : the first international literary movement.Solt is the subject of issue #51 of the Swedish journal OEI.
  • The issue is entitled, "Mary Ellen Solt – Toward a theory of concrete poetry." She married Leo Frank Solt, who was a historian, with books on old and early modern English history and Puritanism.
  • They both taught at Indiana University and she was also director of the Polish Studies Center.

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