Siegmund Adrian von Rottemburg was a German entomologist in the 18th century.
Little is known about him by scientific historians.
In the 1770s he took over Johann Siegfried Hufnagel's lepidopterological collection and published several works about it.
He described several species:
Paranthrene tabaniformis (dusky clearwing)
Hyles gallii (bedstraw hawk-moth)
Thymelicus acteon (Lulworth skipper)
Lycaena alciphron (purple-shot copper)
Polyommatus semiargus (Mazarine blue)
Polyommatus icarus (common blue)
Polyommatus bellargus (Adonis blue)
Brenthis ino (lesser marbled fritillary)
Euphydryas aurinia (marsh fritillary)
Melitaea athalia (heath fritillary)
Hyponephele lycaon (dusky meadow brown)