Pierrot (Tamás Z. Marosi), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Pierrot (Tamás Z. Marosi)

Hungarian singer

Date of Birth: 03-Sep-1969

Place of Birth: Budapest, Hungary

Profession: composer, record producer, performing artist, lyricist

Nationality: Hungary

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Pierrot (Tamás Z. Marosi)

  • Pierrot, born Tamás Zoltán Marosi (3 September 1969, in Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian pop singer, computer and tabletop game designer, musician and producer, best known internationally for his video game series AGON (Ancient Games Of Nations) and Yoomurjak's Ring.
  • He is also well known in Hungary as a musician, singer-songwriter and producer of several music albums.
  • His own music style is primarily acoustic “adult pop”, while as a producer, he has a colorful portfolio of various styles ranging from world music to alternative rock to reggae and hip-hop.
  • He has also been involved in edutainment and tourism projects such as an interactive sight-seeing game network Kaland&Játék (Adventure&Game).
  • He is author of a book on Asian gastronomy, a series of novels and a story-book for children. The name Pierrot had originally been his nickname.
  • He has been using this alias both as musician and game developer since 1986.

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