Johann Aegidius Bach, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Johann Aegidius Bach

German organist, father of Johann Bernhard Bach

Date of Birth: 09-Feb-1645

Place of Birth: Erfurt, Germany

Date of Death: 22-Nov-1716

Profession: composer, singer, musician, violist, viol player

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Johann Aegidius Bach

  • Johann Aegidius Bach (9 February 1645 – November 1716) was organist, violist, and municipal orchestra director of Erfurt, Germany.
  • He was Johann Sebastian Bach's uncle, Johannes Bach's son, and the father of composer Johann Bernhard Bach.
  • He was a viola player and performer in the Stadtmusikanten Kompagnie (municipal musicians band) in Erfurt.
  • He was organist at the Kaufmannskirche and the Michaeliskirche; on 30 June 1682 he was named the director of the Ratsmusik (city council music).

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