Michael L. Williams, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Michael L. Williams

American politician

Date of Birth: 31-May-1953

Place of Birth: Midland, Texas, United States

Profession: lawyer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Michael L. Williams

  • For other persons of the same name, see Michael Williams (disambiguation)Michael Lawrence Williams (born May 31, 1953) is the former Education Commissioner of the U.S.
  • state of Texas, in which capacity he was leader of the Texas Education Agency.
  • Williams was appointed to the position on August 27, 2012, by then Governor Rick Perry.
  • On October 15, 2015, Williams announced that he would step down as Education Commissioner at the end of the year to return to the private sector.Williams is also a former member of the elected Texas Railroad Commission, a regulatory body that oversees the oil and natural gas industries.
  • He is the first African-American to hold a statewide elected executive office in Texas history.
  • He was appointed to the commission by then-Governor George W.
  • Bush in 1999, and won elections in 2000, 2002, and 2008 to retain the office before eventually resigning in 2011.
  • He is also the fourth African-American to be elected to statewide office overall, following Morris Overstreet, Wallace B.
  • Jefferson, and Dale Wainwright. On May 29, 2012, Williams ran unsuccessfully in the Republican primary for the redrawn 25th congressional district seat that stretches southward from Tarrant to Hays counties.

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