Michael Gordon Francis (born November 27, 1946) is a Crowley businessman who is a member of the Louisiana Public Service Commission.
He won the right to succeed Clyde C.
Holloway, who did not seek reelection and died during the ensuing campaign to choose Holloway's successor on the commission.
Earlier from 1994 to 2000, Francis was the chair of the Republican Party in Louisiana.
A staunch fiscal and social conservative, Francis was an unsuccessful candidate for Secretary of State of Louisiana in the special election held on September 30, 2006.
Francis indicated that he would seek the position again in the nonpartisan blanket primary on October 20, 2007, but he failed to file his qualification papers.
"I will work to ensure the right to vote.
I will fight to stop voter fraud, vote buying, and vote stealing," Francis vowed in his campaign for secretary of state.As the Republican state chairman, Francis challenged the political order, including an effort to unseat most of Governor Edwin Washington Edwards' floor leaders in the Louisiana State Senate in the 1995 elections.
In the 1996 Louisiana presidential caucus won by the journalist and commentator Patrick J.
Buchanan, Francis supported then U.S.
Senator Phil Gramm of Texas, who soon left the race and deferred to the eventual nominee, former Senator Robert J.
Dole of Kansas.Francis was mentioned as a potential Republican candidate for the District 4 seat on the Public Service Commission, which was filled in a special election on April 4, 2008, to replace Dale Sittig of Eunice, who resigned to become director of the Louisiana Offshore Terminal Authority.
Ultimately, the Republican Clyde Holloway of Rapides Parish won the remaining nineteen months of Sittig's term.