Miles Spencer, Date of Birth


Miles Spencer

American television personality

Date of Birth: 30-Apr-1963

Profession: entrepreneur

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Miles Spencer

  • Miles Spencer (born April 30, 1963) is an American angel investor, media entrepreneur and explorer.
  • He is best known for his role as co-host and co-creator of MoneyHunt, a reality-based show where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a panel of experts.
  • MoneyHunt was distributed to PBS stations in the US beginning 1997 and overseas beginning 1999.
  • Spencer and co-host Cliff Ennico are known for their direct, fast-paced questioning and constructive criticism of entrepreneurs.
  • The two developed the program after a classroom experience at a local continuing education class.
  • The show is considered the original program of the genre, and has been copied in several markets worldwide, most notably Dragons' Den and Shark Tank.
  • Spencer, who was born in Norristown, PA, readily admits in his book MoneyHunt [1] to having been inspired by Enterprise, a French show hosted by Bernard Tapie, while he attended school there in the early eighties as an exchange student from Choate Rosemary Hall.

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