Sorin Alexandrescu, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Sorin Alexandrescu

Romanian writer

Date of Birth: 18-Aug-1937

Place of Birth: Bucharest

Profession: translator, literary critic, philologist, linguist

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Sorin Alexandrescu

  • Sorin Alexandrescu (born 18 August 1937) is a Romanian-born academic, literary critic, semiotician, linguist, essayist, and translator. Born in Bucharest as the son of Constantin, a magistrate, and Ileana, Mircea Eliade's sister, he graduated from the "Mihai Viteazu" High School in his hometown (1955), and after that, from the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest (1959).
  • After teaching comparative literature at the University of Bucharest, where he was considered to be a structuralist, he was sent in 1969 by the Romanian authorities to teach Romanian language and literature at universities in Amsterdam and Groningen.
  • In 1974 he decided to defect.In 1976, he founded the International Journal of Roumanian Studies.During the 1989 Romanian Revolution, he returned to Romania as a correspondent for a Dutch newspaper.In 1998, he was named presidential adviser for culture.
  • In 2001, he settled permanently in Romania again.
  • That same year, he was one of the founders of the so-called Centrul de Excelen?a în Studiul Imaginii at the University of Bucharest, together with Dan Grigorescu, Mihai Zamfir, Laura Mesina, Vlad Alexandrescu, Vasile Morar and Zoe Petre.

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