Francesc de Borja Moll Casanovas (Ciutadella, Menorca 10 October 1903 – Palma, Mallorca 18 February 1991) was a linguist, philologist and editor from Menorca.
His father was called Josep Moll Vidal and his mother Maria-Anna Casanovas Oliver.
He was the 7th child of their humble marriage.
However the first 5 children of the family died before they reached 5 years old; and for this reason, Francesc was an extremely protected child.
In his book Els meus primers trenta anys he states that both his mother and father, together with his godmother and brother were the most important figures in his life.
He wrote many books on the Catalan language and its varieties spoken on the Balearic Islands.
He was also the main collaborator with Father Antoni Maria Alcover in his Diccionari Català -Valencià -Balear.