Morten Levin (born 1946) is a Norwegian sociologist and Professor of Organization and Work Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
He has formerly been a Research Director at SINTEF and has worked for the Royal Norwegian Defense Research Establishment and universities throughout Scandinavia and at Cornell University.
His research focuses on change in organizations, especially with a view to the importance of the interaction between technology and organization.
He has contributed to the epistemological and methodological basis of action research, and has published books and articles on organization and management, organizational development and action research.Levin studied mechanical engineering and graduated with a master's degree in Operations Research and
Economics in 1971.
In 1981, he earned a PhD ( in sociology.
He joined the then-University of Trondheim as an assistant professor in 1976, was promoted to associate professor in 1982 and full professor in 1992.He was a member of an international committee evaluating the entire Danish PhD education in 2006.
He is a member of the editorial boards of Systemic Practice and Action Research, Action Research, Action Research International, Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry and Handbook of Action Research.