Eric Voegelin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Eric Voegelin

American philosopher

Date of Birth: 03-Jan-1901

Place of Birth: Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Date of Death: 19-Jan-1985

Profession: historian, political scientist, university teacher, philosopher

Nationality: United States, Germany

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Eric Voegelin

  • Eric Voegelin (born Erich Hermann Wilhelm Vögelin, German: ['fø?g?li?n]; January 3, 1901 – January 19, 1985) was a German-American political philosopher.
  • He was born in Cologne, and educated in political science at the University of Vienna where he became an associate professor of political science in its law faculty.
  • In 1938 he and his wife fled from the Nazi forces which had entered Vienna.
  • They emigrated to the United States, where they became citizens in 1944.
  • He spent most of his academic career at Louisiana State University, the University of Munich and the Hoover Institution of Stanford University.

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