Gøsta Esping-Andersen (pronounced ['jøstæ ?spe? 'an?sn?]) (born 24 November 1947 in Næstved, Denmark), is a Danish sociologist whose primary focus has been on the welfare state and its place in capitalist economies.
Over the past decade his research has moved towards family demographic issues.
A synthesis of his work was published as Families in the 21st Century (Stockholm, SNS, 2016).
Esping-Andersen is professor emeritus at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (Spain), and member of the Scientific Committee of the Juan March Institute and of the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Council at the IMDEA Social Sciences Institute, both in Madrid (Spain).
He is a member of the American Academy of Social Sciences and the British Academy.
He was awarded a honoris doctor causa from Copenhagen University in 2012.
He is now research professor at Bocconi University in Milano.