Norman Gilliland, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Norman Gilliland

American radio presenter

Date of Birth: 24-Jun-1949

Place of Birth: Bethesda, Maryland, United States

Profession: radio personality

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Norman Gilliland

  • Norman Gilliland has been a producer on Wisconsin Public Radio since 1984, where he hosts classical music broadcasts, produces the interview program University of the Air, and reads for Chapter A Day.
  • He holds degrees in English and Broadcasting from the University of Florida and attended graduate school in English at Duke University, where he developed an interest in broadcasting.
  • He is also an active author with four published books, the historical novel Sand Mansions and its stand-alone sequel Midnight Catch, Downeast Ledge (2013), plus two nonfiction books about classical music--Grace Notes for a Year and Scores to Settle.
  • He has produced an audio drama based upon Dick Ringler's modern English translation of the Old English narrative Beowulf titled Beowulf: The Complete Story—A Drama (ISBN 0-9715093-2-8).
  • He was one of a handful of experts interviewed in the Academy Award winning short documentary A Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin.[1] In 1994 he founded NEMO Productions, the mission of which is to produce books and audio that combine entertainment and history.
  • He also hosts the weekly program "Old Time Radio Drama" from 8-11 Saturday and Sunday nights on Wisconsin Public Radio and is a host-producer for Wisconsin Public Television's "University Place Presents."

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