John Moore (British Army officer), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


John Moore (British Army officer)

British soldier and general

Date of Birth: 13-Nov-1761

Place of Birth: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Date of Death: 16-Jan-1809

Profession: politician, military officer

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About John Moore (British Army officer)

  • Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, (13 November 1761 – 16 January 1809) was a British Army general, also known as Moore of Corunna.
  • He is best known for his military training reforms and for his death at the Battle of Corunna, in which he repulsed a French army under Marshal Soult during the Peninsular War.
  • After the war General Sarrazin wrote a French history of the battle, which nonetheless may have been written in light of subsequent events, stating that "Whatever Buonaparte may assert, Soult was most certainly repulsed at Corunna; and the British gained a defensive victory, though dearly purchased with the loss of their brave general Moore, who was alike distinguished for his private virtues, and his military talents."

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