Admiral Edward Vernon (12 November 1684 – 30 October 1757) was a British naval officer.
He had a long and distinguished career, rising to the rank of admiral after 46 years service.
As a vice admiral during the War of Jenkins' Ear, in 1739 he was responsible for the capture of Porto Bello, seen as expunging the failure of Admiral Hosier there in a previous conflict.
However, his later amphibious operation against Cartagena de Indias suffered a severe defeat.
Vernon also served as a Member of Parliament (MP) on three occasions and was out-spoken on naval matters in Parliament, making him a controversial figure.
The origin of the name "grog" for rum diluted with water is attributed to Vernon.
He was known for wearing coats made of grogram cloth, earning him the nickname of "Old Grog", which in turn came to mean the diluted rum that he first introduced into his naval squadron.
He is also the namesake of George Washington's estate Mount Vernon, and thereby the many places in the United States named after it.
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