Pat Pimm, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Pat Pimm

Canadian politician

Date of Birth: 31-Mar-1957

Place of Birth: Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada

Profession: politician

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Pat Pimm

  • Pat Pimm (born March 31, 1957) is a Canadian politician, who was elected as a BC Liberal Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in the 2009 provincial election, and represented the riding of Peace River North.
  • He has lived in Fort St.
  • John, British Columbia and has a business background working at an instrumentation company that specializes in the oil and gas sector.
  • He spent 12 years on the Fort St.
  • John city council before his election to the Legislative Assembly.
  • In the 39th Parliament of BC Pimm served on several committees and first became involved with the Executive Council in October 2010 when former B.C.
  • Premier Gordon Campbell appointed Pimm as the Parliamentary Secretary for the Natural Gas Initiative under the Ministry of Energy.
  • When Christy Clark became Premier of British Columbia in March 2011, she retained Pimm at the same position. Pimm was re-elected to his Peace River North riding in the 2013 provincial election and was appointed Minister of Agriculture on June 10, 2013 by Premier Clark.
  • He previously served as Parliamentary Secretary for the Northeast and has served as chair of the Northern Caucus and two Select Standing Committees: Aboriginal Affairs and Finance and Government Services.
  • Pimm has also served as a member of Treasury Board.
  • A lifelong resident of the Peace River region, he served 12 years as councillor for the City of Fort St.
  • John from 1993 to 2005.
  • With 25 years experience in the oil and gas industry, he was co-chair of the BC Oil and Gas Conference in 2002 and 2005, bringing together industry stakeholders to identify further strategies and opportunities for economic development in British Columbia's northeast region.
  • He has also served on a variety of other local community boards and committees.

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