Paul Muite, Date of Birth


Paul Muite

Kenyan politician

Date of Birth: 18-Apr-1945

Profession: lawyer, politician

Nationality: Kenya

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Paul Muite

  • Paul Kibugi Muite (born 18 Apr 1945) is a Kenyan lawyer and politician and a prominent figure in Kenya's second liberation struggle during the 1990s to remove the single party dictatorship established by the Kenya African National Union in 1982.
  • He served as vice chairman of the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy - Kenya while it was under the tutelage of Oginga Odinga and is the founding chairman of the Safina party of Kenya.
  • He previously served as a law clerk in the years preceding Kenya's attainment of independence He has served several terms in the National Assembly of Kenya as member for the Kabete Constituency.

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