Arturo Soria y Mata, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Arturo Soria y Mata

Spanish urban planner

Date of Birth: 15-Dec-1844

Place of Birth: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Date of Death: 06-Nov-1920

Profession: businessperson, politician, urban planner, opinion journalist, Theosophist

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Arturo Soria y Mata

  • Arturo Soria y Mata (1844-1920) was an internationally important Spanish urban planner whose work remains highly inspirational today.
  • He is most well known for his concept of the Linear City (exemplified in Madrid's Ciudad Lineal).
  • He studied the civil engineer career (Ingeniero de Caminos), but he didn't finish it. Arturo Soria y Mata's idea of the Linear City (1882) replaced the traditional idea of the city as a centre and a periphery with the idea of constructing linear sections of infrastructure - roads, railways, gas, water, etc.- along an optimal line and then attaching the other components of the city along the length of this line.
  • As compared to the concentric diagrams of Ebenezer Howard and other in the same period, Soria's linear city creates the infrastructure for a controlled process of expansion that joins one growing city to the next in a rational way, instead of letting them both sprawl.

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