Pawlu Camilleri is one of Malta's leading harmonica musicians.
Born in Valletta, Pawlu grew up in the neighbourhood of Id-Due Balli, a working class area of the Maltese capital city.
Son of Frankie Camilleri Il-Bibi, a noted Maltese jazz musician, and brother to drummer Joe Camilleri, Pawlu has released a number of religious albums, including Jesus' Words in 1995.
He is about to release another in English entitled Faithful.
Camilleri is also currently working on a Biblical album in Maltese, composing lyrics and melodies inspired by the Old Testament and New Testament.
Two songs, Min Jigi Ghandi and GHidli Habib, were already performed during concerts.
He has featured on harmonica in Dominic Galea's jazz album Tribute, Andrew Cauchi's Bil-Qawwa ta' Mhabbtek and in both of Walter Micallef's album, M'Jien Xejn and Hamsin.
He has sung also Gewwa Paceville in the Il-Ghanja tal-Poplu festival in 2003.
This song, written by Vince Zammit won the Best Lyrics Award.
Pawlu Camilleri sings regularly at correctional facilities and drug rehab houses in Malta, with his themes focusing on songs of courage and praise of Jesus Christ.