Penelope Leach, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Penelope Leach


Date of Birth: 19-Nov-1937

Place of Birth: Hampstead, England, United Kingdom

Profession: psychologist

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Penelope Leach

  • Penelope Jane Leach (nĂ©e Balchin; born November 19, 1937), is a British psychologist who researches and writes extensively on parenting issues from a child development perspective. Leach is best known for her book Your Baby and Child: From Birth to Age Five, published in 1977, which has sold over two million copies to date and won the BMA award for “best medical book for general audiences” in 1998.
  • Leach notes in the introduction to that book: "Whatever you are doing, however you are coping, if you listen to your child and to your own feelings, there will be something you can actually do to put things right or make the best of those that are wrong."

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