Orlando Mohorovic (born 1950 in Labin) is a Croatian artist.
He is one of the original members of a group of artists called Labinski atelieri.Mohorovic came to Düsseldorf in 1969 and met Joseph Beuys there.
The Admission Board of the department Free art at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf admitted him as a student to Beuys’ courses of .
Orlando Mohorovic was studying painting and sculpture from 1970 to 1974.
At that time New Realism paintings, conceptual art, performance, sketches, small drawings and aquarelle as a pattern for installations were developed.
In 1970 he had his first exhibition in the room 20 and in the hallway.
On February 5, 1974 he was appointed master student of the Beuys class.
Mohorovic belonged to the group of Beuys-students, like many other renowned German artists (Jörg Immendorff, Katharina Sieverding, Anselm Kiefer, Blinky Palermo, Sigmar Polke) .