Percy Sherwood, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Percy Sherwood

Composer and pianist

Date of Birth: 23-May-1866

Place of Birth: Dresden, Saxony, Germany

Date of Death: 01-Jun-1939

Profession: composer, pianist

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Percy Sherwood

  • Percy Sherwood (23 May 1866 - 15 May 1939) was a German-born composer and pianist of English nationality. He was born in Dresden, the son of a lecturer in English at Dresden University, John Sherwood, and a German mother Auguste Koch, who had been a successful soprano.
  • After his studies with Theodor Kirchner, Felix Draeseke and Herman Scholtz, Sherwood became a major figure in the music life of Dresden before the First World War.
  • In 1889 he won the Mendelssohn Prize for his Requiem.
  • He was first a teacher, then professor, at the Dresden Conservatory from 1893 and 1911 respectively.
  • His own students included Dora Pejacevic.
  • Shortly before war broke out in 1914 he and his wife abandoned their Dresden villa and returned to England where he was almost unknown.
  • Thereafter he made a living as a private teacher in London and travelling weekly to Oxford and Cambridge.
  • He died in London.

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