Pero Simić, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Pero Simić

Bosnian Serb journalist and historian

Date of Birth: 02-Jul-1946

Date of Death: 11-Oct-2016

Profession: historian, biographer, journalist

Nationality: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Pero Simić

  • Pero Simic (2 July 1946 – 11 October 2016) was a Bosnian Serb journalist and historian.
  • He is most notable for authoring the first complete political biography of Josip Broz Tito, which has been published in all languages of the former Yugoslavia, in seven editions with a circulation of 58,500 copies, under the titles Tito, secret of the century and Tito the phenomenon of the century.
  • The book has been translated into Polish and German and will soon be published in Bulgarian and other world languages.

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