Peter Loncarevich (born April 8, 1966) is a former Bicycle Motocross (BMX) racer.
Loncarevich was an "Old School" professional BMX racer whose prime competitive years were from 1980 to 1994.
Nickname: "Pistol Pete" Loncarevich.
He received the moniker the way many racers did with the announcer choosing one for him.
In 1984 at an American Bicycle Association national, Merl Mennenga, the founder and then President of the ABA, who often also announced "play by play" for the audience at ABA nationals called him "The Pistol" for his penchant in getting the "holeshot" out of the starting gate like a bullet out of a gun.
It was also a simultaneous allusion to Loncarevich's similar-sounding name to former professional National Basketball Association (NBA) Guard Pete Maravich who had the moniker of "Pistol Pete".