Peter Garland (composer), Date of Birth


Peter Garland (composer)

American composer

Date of Birth: 25-Jan-1952

Profession: composer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Peter Garland (composer)

  • Peter Garland (born January 25, 1952 in Portland, Maine) is a composer, writer and publisher of Soundings Press. A student of James Tenney and Harold Budd, much of Garland's work could be considered post-minimal although many of his postminimal works such as "The Days Run Away" (1971) were written in the early 1970s at the same time as the first minimalist works.
  • He is also an expert on American Indian music, and on the music of Silvestre Revueltas.
  • He is the author of Gone Walkabout: Essays 1991-.
  • Garland started his Soundings Press series in 1971 after attending a publishing workshop with Dick Higgins at CalArts.

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