Peter Miles (English actor), Date of Birth, Date of Death


Peter Miles (English actor)

English actor

Date of Birth: 29-Aug-1928

Date of Death: 26-Feb-2018

Profession: actor, television actor

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Peter Miles (English actor)

  • Peter Miles (29 August 1928 – 26 February 2018) was an English actor.
  • He played many television roles including several different characters in Z-Cars and Doctor Who.
  • His other television work also included Blake's 7, Survivors, The Sweeney, Dixon of Dock Green, Moonbase 3, Poldark and Bergerac.
  • His film credits include roles in Made (1972), The Whistle Blower (1986) and Little Dorrit (1988). Peter Miles was also an accomplished jazz and soul singer.
  • He was a childhood friend of the singer Dusty Springfield, and the first recording Springfield ever made was with Miles on guitar.

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