Petri Walli, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Petri Walli

Finnish musician

Date of Birth: 25-Feb-1969

Date of Death: 28-Jun-1995

Profession: singer, guitarist

Nationality: Finland

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Petri Walli

  • Petri Ilari Walli (February 25, 1969 – June 28, 1995) was the founder, vocalist, guitar-player, songwriter and producer of the Finnish psychedelic rock-band Kingston Wall. Petri was born in Finland, his half-brother is Hasse Walli who is also a famous Finnish guitarist. Petri (aka Pete) founded the band called Kingston Wall in 1987, and he was the spirit behind the whole band.
  • They came out with three albums in 1992, 1993 and 1994, and broke up in December the same year as the last album was released.
  • The break-up was Walli's idea, as he wanted Kingston Wall to be on a hiatus for an unspecified time.
  • After the break-up Petri travelled to Goa, India, where he had been many times before with his friend Ior Bock.
  • (There is not much written text about Petri's and Ior's friendship, so nobody knows exactly how good friends they were).
  • He died by jumping off the balcony of the Töölö Church in Töölö, Helsinki the following summer.
  • Walli was later buried in the Hietaniemi Cemetery, only about one kilometer away from his place of death. Petri was a mysterious person who loved the eastern culture, philosophy, Scandinavian mythologies and most of all, playing guitar. There have been numerous rumours and speculation about the reasons of his suicide.
  • Some say that he committed suicide because of his failed relationship with a Finnish girl called Tanja or Tanya, others say that he was in a spiritual turmoil which reflected on the lyrics and themes on Kingston Wall's last album, Tri-Logy.
  • The song "For All Mankind" from Tri-Logy is considered by many to be Walli's suicide note. Petri's co-musicians in Kingston Wall were Jukka Jylli (bass) and Sami Kuoppamäki (drums).
  • Sometimes they had guest musicians performing on their albums and live shows, such as Sakari Kukko (saxophone) and Kimmo Kajasto (synth).
  • Drummers Petteri StĂĄhl and Timo "Tinde" Joutsimäki played drums in Kingston Wall before Kuoppamäki joined the group.

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