Petru Comarnescu, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Petru Comarnescu

Romanian literary and art critic

Date of Birth: 23-Nov-1905

Place of Birth: Iași, Iași County, Romania

Date of Death: 27-Nov-1970

Profession: literary criticism, memoir, translator, art historian, journalist, art critic, essayist, philologist

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Petru Comarnescu

  • Petru Comarnescu (born 23 November 1905, Ia?i- d.
  • 27 November 1970, Bucharest) was a Romanian literary and art critic and translator. Born in Ia?i into a family that was related to the metropolitan bishop Veniamin Costache, he studied at the University of Bucharest law (degree in 1928), philosophy and philology (degree in 1929) before going in 1931 on a two-year scholarship to the United States of America, where he received a PhD in aesthetics from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, with a thesis entitled The Nature of Beauty and Its Relation to Goodness (published later in Romanian in 1946 as Kalokagathon). Together with Mircea Vulcanescu and Alexandru Christian Tell, he started the Criterion association and magazine in 1934. Before the Second World War he published in several Romanian newspapers, for example Adevarul, Adevarul literar ?i artistic, Azi, Stânga, Arta, Excelsior, Da ?i nu, Ulisse and was an editor at Vremea (1931–1936), Rampa (1933–1934), Revista Funda?iilor Regale (from its foundation to 1943).
  • Between 1944 and 1949 he published in Bis, Agora, Timpul, Arcades, Na?iunea, Universul. Between 1949 and 1960 he was not allowed to publish under his own name, due to political reasons.
  • The only exceptions were monographies about painters or sculptors: Octav Bancila (1954), Abgar Baltazar (1956), Viata si opera lui Rembrandt van Rijn ("The Life And Work of Rembrandt")(1957), Nicolae Grigorescu (1959), Stefan Luchian (1960). Later, he would also write about other well-known Romanian visual artists, such as Gheorghe Petra?cu, Theodor Pallady, Nicolae Tonitza, Francisc ?irato, Ion ?uculescu, sometimes even in English The Romanian and the Universal in Brâncu?i's Work (1970). Trying to avoid being marginalized, he compromised with the Communist authorities, such as by joining the Partidul Muncitoresc Român (Romanian Workers' Party, later called Partidul Comunist Român- Romanian Communist Party).
  • In 2014 Comarnescu was found to have been an informant for the Securitate.Alone or in cooperation with others he translated from English or Russian: D.
  • H.
  • Lawrence, Daniel Defoe, Sir Walter Scott, Mark Twain, Eugene O’Neill, J.
  • B.
  • Priestley, Howard Fast, Leo Tolstoi, Alexander Herzen, Alexander Gorchakov, Gleb Uspensky, Nikolay Chernyshevsky, Sasha Chorny, Ilya Ehrenburg. He was critically acclaimed by his contemporaries, Camil Petrescu calling him "the leader" of their generation, Barbu Brezianu its "herald", Mircea Eliade its "magus".Comarnescu was married to Gina Manolescu-Strunga, the daughter of a liberal politician, but she had been in love with N.
  • D.
  • Cocea, a well-known writer and journalist, from the age of 17 (and by whom she would become pregnant after her marriage) and as a result they divorced two years later.He is buried at the Voronet Monastery cemetery.

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