Philip Salom, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Philip Salom

contemporary Australian poet and novelist

Date of Birth: 08-Aug-1950

Place of Birth: Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia

Profession: poet, novelist

Nationality: Australia

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Philip Salom

  • Philip Salom (born 8 August 1950) is a contemporary Australian poet and novelist whose poetry books have attracted widespread acclaim.
  • He has published eighteen books - fourteen collections of poetry and four novels - notable for their originality and expansiveness and for surprising differences from title to title.
  • His poetry has won major awards in Australia and the UK. His novel Waiting which was shortlisted for the 2017 Miles Franklin Literary Award - Australia's most prestigious literary prize - the 2017 Prime Minister's Award for Literature, and the 2016 Victorian Premier's Award for Literature. His new novel The Returns, was published in late July, 2019.
  • The Returns has already received strong reviews.

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