Pinky Pal Rajput (Pi?ki Pala Rajaputa) (Born January 20, 1969 in Mumbai) is an Indian voice-dubbing actress, Dubbing director and translator who speaks Hindi, English and Marathi.
Rajput is the co-founder of the company and one of the director of Mayukhi in Sync Pvt Ltd, India.
(her best friend Anju Jamwal being the partner head executive) which handles voice dubs (Hindi, English, Marathi) for a number of series on History TV 18.
The company is also known for handling voice dubs in Hindi and several other regional languages, apart from History TV 18 "Mayukhi In Sync" has done several animated series and features for Cartoon Network, POGO and Nickelodeon.
Rajput also serves as the voice of Barbie and as the dialogue translator for the Barbie film series.
She has also done many voice-overs for the Hindi dubs of Tamil and Telugu language films.