Mostafa Chamran, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Mostafa Chamran

Iranian politician

Date of Birth: 08-Mar-1932

Place of Birth: Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran

Date of Death: 20-Jun-1981

Profession: politician, physicist

Nationality: Iran

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Mostafa Chamran

  • Mostafa Chamran Save'ei (Persian: ????? ????? ????????) (2 October 1932 – 21 June 1981, Tehran, Iran) was an Iranian physicist, politician, commander and guerrilla who served as the first defense minister of post-revolutionary Iran and as member of parliament, as well as the commander of paramilitary volunteers in Iran–Iraq War, known as "Irregular Warfare Headquarters".
  • He was killed during the Iran–Iraq War.
  • In Iran, he is known as a martyr and a symbol of an ideological and revolutionary Muslim who left academic careers and prestigious positions as a scientist and professor in the US, University of California, Berkeley and migrated in order to help the Islamic movements in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt as a chief revolutionary guerilla, as well as in the Islamic revolution of Iran.
  • He helped to found the Amal Movement in southern Lebanon.

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