Adolf Aron Baginsky, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Adolf Aron Baginsky

German pediatrician

Date of Birth: 22-May-1843

Place of Birth: RacibĂłrz, Silesian Voivodeship, Poland

Date of Death: 15-May-1918

Profession: professor, pediatrician, non-fiction writer

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Adolf Aron Baginsky

  • Adolf Aron Baginsky (May 22, 1843 – 15 May 1918) was a German professor of diseases of children at Berlin University.
  • He was an older brother to otorhinolaryngologist Benno Baginsky (1848-1919).Baginsky was born in Ratibor (RacibĂłrz), Prussian Silesia.
  • At the completion of his high-school education at the gymnasium of his native town (1861), he studied medicine in Berlin and Vienna.
  • He was graduated from Berlin University in 1866, and in the same year accepted the position of private assistant to Ludwig Traube at the cholera hospital in Berlin; and in 1868 moved to Seehausen, near Magdeburg, where he began his career as a practising physician.
  • Two years later, however, he accepted the post of chief physician in a military hospital in Nordhausen, and at the close of the Franco-Prussian war returned to Berlin, where he practised medicine, at the same time pursuing anew the studies which had been interrupted under the pressure of practical work in different hospitals.
  • In 1881 Baginsky was appointed Privatdozent at the University of Berlin; and in 1892 promoted to an associate professorship at that institution. Baginsky devoted himself to the treatment of children's diseases.
  • He was director of the Kaiser und Kaiserin Friedrich Kinderkrankenhaus, which he founded in Berlin with the assistance of Rudolf Virchow in 1890.
  • The Berlin Poliklinik fĂĽr Kinderkrankheiten was also established in the metropolis through his efforts.
  • He was also the founder and editor-in-chief of the Archiv fĂĽr Kinderheilkunde in 1880, in collaboration with Monti and Herz in Stuttgart.
  • His services were recognized by the Prussian and foreign governments, and he received many orders and decorations.
  • His numerous contributions to the science of medicine include treatises on school-hygiene, "Handbuch der Schulhygiene", Stuttgart, 1883; and on the cure of children's diseases, "Lehrbuch der Kinderkrankheiten," Berlin, 1892 (these latter have been translated into several languages); "Praktische Beiträge zur Kinderheilkunde," TĂĽbingen, 1880-84.
  • All of these works have gone through several editions.
  • Among his other writings, besides a great number of papers scattered through several medical journals, may be mentioned: "Pflege des Gesunden und Kranken Kindes" (The care of healthy and sick children), Stuttgart, 1885; "Das Leben des Weibes" (The life of women), ib.
  • 1885; "Kost- und Haltekinderpflege in Berlin," Brunswick, 1886, etc. Baginsky was a member of the several associations and committees formed in Berlin for the purpose of checking antisemitism in Germany.
  • He is also the author of an essay entitled, "Die Hygienische Bedeutung der Mosäischen Gesetzgebung," in which he comes forward as a stanch defender and enthusiastic admirer of the hygienic laws of Moses.
  • He took active part in the social and religious life of the Jewish community in Berlin, and was one of the opponents of a movement to hold Sunday services in the synagogues of that city.
  • Baginsky was a member of the Imperial Leopoldina-Carolina Academy; commander of the Spanish Order Isabella the Catholic; and was decorated with the Prussian Order of the Red Eagle, fourth class.
  • He died in Berlin.

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