Adolf Rading, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Adolf Rading

German architect

Date of Birth: 02-Mar-1888

Place of Birth: Berlin

Date of Death: 20-Apr-1957

Profession: architect, university teacher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Adolf Rading

  • Adolf Peter Rading (2 February 1888, Berlin - 4 April 1957, London) was a German architect of the Neues Bauen period, also active in Palestine and Great Britain. After finishing architecture school in Berlin, Rading briefly worked in the office of Peter Behrens in 1919.
  • That same year he moved to Breslau, becoming a professor at the National Academcy for Arts and Crafts.
  • In 1926 Rading established a partnership with Hans Scharoun, became a member of The Ring (the architectural collective), and in 1927 contributed a single-family house to the Weissenhof Estate exhibition.
  • After the Nazis came to power in 1933, Rading, whose wife came from a Jewish family, emigrated to France and then to Palestine, in today's Israel.
  • From 1943 through 1950 Rading served as the city architect of Haifa; in 1950 he established himself in Great Britain.

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