Wilhelm Moritz Keferstein, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Wilhelm Moritz Keferstein

German zoologist

Date of Birth: 07-Jun-1833

Place of Birth: Winsen, Lower Saxony, Germany

Date of Death: 25-Jan-1870

Profession: naturalist, zoologist, university teacher, herpetologist

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Wilhelm Moritz Keferstein

  • Wilhelm Moritz Keferstein (7 June 1833, Winsen (Luhe) – 25 January 1870) was a German naturalist.
  • He described a number of reptiles and amphibians for the first time. He originally studied hydraulic engineering in Hanover, later becoming a lecturer and professor of zoology at the University of Göttingen. With zoologist Ernst Ehlers (1835-1925), he wrote Zoologische Beiträge gesammelt im Winter 1859/60 in Neapel und Messina...
  • in 1861. With Karl Wilhelm von Kupffer (1829-1902) he was co-author of a study on the electric organs of Gymnotus and Mormyrus that was published in Henle and Pfeufer's Zeitschrift fĂĽr rationelle Medicin (Journal of rational medicine).
  • He also made important contributions to Heinrich Georg Bronn's Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs (Classes and Orders of the Animal Kingdom). Keferstein's tree frog is named after him (a species he described in 1868), as is a genus of polychaetes, Kefersteinia (family Hesionidae).

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