Carl Adolf Georg Lauterbach, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Carl Adolf Georg Lauterbach

German botanist and explorer

Date of Birth: 21-Apr-1864

Place of Birth: Wrocław, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland

Date of Death: 01-Sep-1937

Profession: geographer, botanist, explorer

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Carl Adolf Georg Lauterbach

  • Carl Adolf Georg Lauterbach (21 April 1864 in Breslau – 1 September 1937 in Breslau) was a German explorer and botanist. He studied natural sciences and agriculture at the Universities of Breslau and Heidelberg, obtaining his doctorate at the latter institution in 1888.
  • Within the next twelve years he participated in three exploratory expeditions (1889, 1896 and 1899–1900) to Kaiser-Wilhelmsland (part of German New Guinea).
  • On the two later expeditions, he explored the Bismarck Mountains, located in the island's interior.
  • On the third mission (1899-1900) he was made director of the Neu-Guinea Compagnie.
  • Some of the specimens that he collected were further examined by Viktor Ferdinand Brotherus and Paul Christoph Hennings.At his estate in Stabelwitz, outside of Breslau (part of Breslau since 1928), he maintained an impressive plant nursery and arboretum.
  • He is commemorated with the genera Lauterbachia (family Monimiaceae) and Lauterbachiella (family Parmulariaceae).
  • The genus Gertrudia (family Flacourtiaceae) was named after Lauterbach's wife, Gertrud Fuchs-Henel, a noted botanical illustrator.
  • In 1897 Anton Reichenow named the yellow-breasted bowerbird (Chlamydera lauterbachi) in his honor.

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