Raymond Tripier, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Raymond Tripier

French pathologist

Date of Birth: 11-Jan-1838

Date of Death: 15-Nov-1916

Profession: pathologist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Raymond Tripier

  • Raymond Tripier (1838–1916) was a French physician and pathologist. From 1858 to 1862 he worked as interne des hĂ´pitaux in Lyon, afterwards supporting his doctorate in Paris (1863) with a dissertation on spontaneous arterio-venous aneurysms of the aorta and superior vena cava, "De l'anĂ©urysme artĂ©rio-veineux spontanĂ© de l'aorte et de la veine cave supĂ©rieure".
  • In 1866 he became mĂ©decin des hĂ´pitaux in Lyon, and from 1884 to 1908 was chair of pathological anatomy to the FacultĂ© de MĂ©decine.
  • He was a patron of the arts, after retiring from teaching he devoted his time to museum work in Lyon.

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