Francois Victor Massena, 2nd Duke of Rivoli, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Francois Victor Massena, 2nd Duke of Rivoli

Amateur ornithologist

Date of Birth: 02-Apr-1799

Place of Birth: Antibes, Provence-Alpes-CĂ´te d'Azur, France

Date of Death: 16-Apr-1863

Profession: ornithologist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Francois Victor Massena, 2nd Duke of Rivoli

  • François Victor MassĂ©na, 2nd Duke of Rivoli and 3rd Prince of Essling (born 2 April 1799 in Antibes, died 16 April 1863) was an amateur ornithologist.
  • He was the youngest of four children of AndrĂ© MassĂ©na, 2nd Prince of Essling and Anne Marie Rosalie Lamare. His siblings were Victoire Thècle MassĂ©na, Marie Anne Elisabeth MassĂ©na and Jacques Prosper MassĂ©na. MassĂ©na accumulated a large bird collection of 12,500 specimens, which he sold to Dr.
  • Thomas Bellerby Wilson in 1846.
  • Wilson gave the collection to the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences.
  • Massena described a number of new parrots with his nephew Charles de SouancĂ©, including the green-cheeked parakeet.
  • The slaty-tailed trogon, crimson-mantled woodpecker and Rivoli's hummingbird were all named in his honor. In 1823 he married Anna Massena, Duchess of Rivoli and they had four children.
  • Anna's hummingbird was named in her honor by RenĂ© Primevère Lesson.

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