Takashi Amano (???, Amano Takashi, 18 July 1954 – 4 August 2015) was a professional track cyclist, photographer, designer, and aquarist.
His interest in aquaria led him to create the Japanese company Aqua Design Amano.
Amano was the author of Nature Aquarium World (TFH Publications, 1994), a three-book series on aquascaping and freshwater aquarium plants and fish.
He has also published the book Aquarium Plant Paradise (TFH Publications, 1997).
A species of freshwater shrimp is named the “Amano shrimp” or "Yamato shrimp" (Caridina multidentata; previously Caridina japonica) after him.
After discovering this species' ability to eat large quantities of algae, Amano asked a local distributor to special order several thousand of them.
They have since become a staple in the freshwater planted aquarium hobby.
He also developed a line of aquarium components that are known as Aqua Design Amano (ADA), and his "Nature Aquarium" article series appeared monthly in both Practical Fishkeeping magazine in the UK, and Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine in the US.