John Lansing Jr., Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


John Lansing Jr.

American politician

Date of Birth: 30-Jan-1754

Place of Birth: Albany, New York, United States

Date of Death: 12-Dec-1829

Profession: judge, lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About John Lansing Jr.

  • John Ten Eyck Lansing Jr.
  • (January 30, 1754 – vanished December 12, 1829) was an American lawyer and politician.Born and raised in Albany, New York, Lansing was trained as a lawyer, and was long involved in politics and government During the American Revolution he was military secretary to General Philip Schuyler.
  • Lansing served in the New York State Assembly from 1781-1784, in 1786, and in 1789, and was Speaker in 1786 and 1789.
  • He served as a member of the Congress of the Confederation in 1785.
  • From 1786 to 1790, Lansing served as mayor of Albany.
  • He was a delegate to the federal Constitutional Convention in 1787 but withdrew from the body in July because he opposed the proposed United States Constitution as infringing on state and individual rights.
  • He was a delegate to the New York ratification convention in June 1788, but was unable to prevent the Constitution from being approved. In 1790, Lansing was a member of the commission that settled the New York-Vermont boundary as part of Vermont's admission to the Union as the 14th state in 1791.
  • He was a justice of the New York Supreme Court from 1790 to 1798, and chief justice from 1798 to 1801.
  • He was Chancellor of New York from 1801 to 1814, and in 1817 he was a special commissioner to resolve New York City and New York County claims to land in Vermont.
  • From 1817 until his death, Lansing was Regent of the University of the State of New York.
  • He disappeared in December 1829, after leaving his New York City hotel room to mail a letter.
  • No trace was ever found, and what happened to him is unknown.

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