Richard Ragan (born June 10, 1964) is a senior staff member for the United Nations.
As the Director of Operations, he opened the Liberia Office and managed operations as part of the UN Secretary General's Ebola Emergency Response Mission (UNMEER), and was the UNWFP Emergency Co-ordinator for the 2015 Nepal earthquake response.
He's spent time in the private sector as the Senior Director with Vulcan, Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen's company.
Also with the UN World Food Programme he has served as the (WFP) Representative to Bangladesh, Tanzania, Nepal, North Korea, Zambia, and worked on emergencies in East Timor, Kosovo and China.
He also re-opened WFP's office in Libya after it was evacuated in 2014.
Ragan appears regularly in both international and national media, and is listed in the book, Mississippians, which features famous people from the state of Mississippi.