Theodor Axenfeld, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Theodor Axenfeld

German ophthalmologist

Date of Birth: 24-Jun-1867

Place of Birth: İzmir, Turkey

Date of Death: 29-Jul-1930

Profession: university teacher, ophthalmologist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Theodor Axenfeld

  • Karl Theodor Paul Polykarpus Axenfeld (24 June 1867 – 29 July 1930) was a German ophthalmologist born in Smyrna (Izmir) in the Ottoman Empire to a German minister, who was a Jewish convert to Christianity and served as missionary in Asia Minor.
  • As a child his family moved back to Germany, settling in the town of Godesberg. He received his medical doctorate in 1890 from the University of Marburg.
  • In 1896 he became an assistant to Wilhelm Uhthoff (1853-1927) at Breslau, and during the following year, was appointed director of the university eye clinic in Rostock.
  • In 1901 he attained the chair of ophthalmology in Freiburg, where he remained until his death in 1930.
  • In 1925 he was chosen as president of the German Ophthalmological Society (Deutsche ophthalmologische Gesellschaft).

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