Giuseppe Sommaruga (1867–1917) was an Italian architect of the Liberty style or Art nouveau movement.
He was the pupil of Camillo Boito and Luca Beltrami to the Brera Academy in Milan.
His monumental architecture exerted some influence on the futurist architect Antonio Sant'Elia.
Some of his works:
Hotel Tre Croci in Campo dei Fiori, close to Varese (1909–1912)
Mausoleo Faccanoni in Sarnico (1907)
Palazzina Salmoiraghi in Milan
Palazzo Castiglioni in Milan (1901–1904)
Author: Varischi, Artico & C. Source: Da in "Milano e l'Esposizione internazionale del Sempione 1906" in License: CC-Zero