Robert T. Craig, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Robert T. Craig

Communication Theorists from the University of Colorado

Date of Birth: 10-May-1947

Place of Birth: Rochester, New York, United States

Profession: writer, philosopher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Robert T. Craig

  • Robert T.
  • Craig is a communication theorist from the University of Colorado, Boulder who received his BA in Speech at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and his MA and PhD in communication from Michigan State University.
  • Craig was on the 1988 founding board of the journal "Research on Language and Social Interaction," a position he continues to hold.
  • From 1991 to 1993 Craig was the founding editor of the International Communication Association journal "Communication Theory" which has been in continuous publication since 1991.
  • He is currently the editor for the ICA Handbook series.
  • In 2009 Craig was elected as a Lifetime Fellow for the International Communication Association, an organization he was president for in 2004–2005.Craig's work "Communication Theory as a Field" received the Best Article Award from the International Communication Association as well as the Golden Anniversary Monograph Award from the National Communication Association.
  • That work has since been translated into French and Russian.
  • The theory presented in "Communication Theory as a Field" has become the basis of the book "Theorizing Communication" which Craig co-edited with Heidi Muller, as well as being adopted by several other communication theory textbooks as a new framework for understanding the field of communication theory.

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