Roman Sikora, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Roman Sikora

Czech theater reviewer, playwright and publicist

Date of Birth: 03-Jul-1970

Place of Birth: Třinec, Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic

Profession: writer, playwright, journalist

Nationality: Czech Republic

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Roman Sikora

  • Roman Sikora (born 3 July 1970 in Trinec) is a contemporary Czech playwright and journalist.
  • He grew up in the town of Trinec in eastern Czech Republic where he worked in the local steel plant, Trinec Iron and Steel Works before moving to Brno.
  • Here he went on to graduate from the Drama Department of Brno's renowned Janácek's Academy of Performing Arts (JAMU), his field of study being drama literary management.
  • He later worked as the night receptionist in the Municipal Theatre in Brno where he continued in his efforts to move closer to the practice of theatre operations.
  • He was a member of the editorial board of the former internet theatrical magazine of eternal fury YORICK and the author of essays and reviews published in the same periodical.
  • He currently lives in Prague working as an editor for the 'LiterárnĂ­ noviny', Prague's cultural/political journal as well as working as a theatrical editor for the internet server His play 'SmetenĂ­ Antigony' (The Detritus of Antigone) was awarded the second prize in the AlfrĂ©d Radok Foundation competition for original drama in 1997.
  • Some of his plays have been translated into other languages, mainly German, French, Hungarian and Slovene. In 2007 a film portrayal of the playwright was made, called "Sikora.
  • MalĂ˝ osobnĂ­ marketingovĂ˝ epos" (Sikora.
  • A small personal marketing epic).
  • The film was directed by Ivo Bystrican.

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