Rudy Coby (born Rudolph Coby; April 22, 1964), also known as "Labman", is an American comedic magician.
He is a member of the Magic Castle in Los Angeles.
In the early 1990s, Coby appeared in several small theatrical live shows, and on broadcast television.
He is known for delivering eclectic and original comedic performances, of which stage magic plays a large part.
He also works closely with rock musician and film director Marilyn Manson.
In the mid-1990s, Coby and his troupe of illusionist comrades performed in the Gem Theatre in downtown Detroit for an unprecedented thirteen weeks.
Coby also published a bundle of lecture notes, titled "How To Become A World Famous Magician".After a hiatus of 14 years, Coby returned to performing in 2009, including a twelve-week run between June 13 - September 7 at the Galaxy Theater at Valleyfair, a theme park in Minneapolis.
In 2012, he performed on the YouTube episode of America's Got Talent during its seventh season, but did not advance to the semifinals.