Sadashivrao Dadoba Mandlik (7 October 1934 – 10 March 2015) was a member of the 15th Lok Sabha of India from Kolhapur.
He was a member of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) political party.
He served as a member of the 12th Lok Sabha, 13th Lok Sabha and 14th Lok Sabha.
He also won the Kagal constituency three times in Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections during 1985, 1990 and 1995.Positions held
1967-1972 – chairman, Zilla Parishad, Kolhapur,
1972-1978 & 1985-1998 – member, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (Four terms)
1993-1995 – Minister of State, Irrigation, Education & Resettlement, Govt.
of Maharashtra
1998 – elected to 12th Lok Sabha (1st Term)
1998-1999 – member, Committee on Food Civil Supplies & Public Distribution & its sub-committee – B on Department of Sugar & Edible oils.
Member, Consultative Committee,Ministry of Agriculture,
1999 – re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha (2nd Term)
1999-2000 – member, Committee on Private Members Bills & Resolutions
2000-2004 – member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Rural Development
2004 – re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha (3rd Term) Deputy Leader, Nationalist Congress Parliamentary Party, LokSabha, member, committee on members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme Member, Committee on Defense, member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Home Affairs.
5 August 2007 – member, Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs & Public onwards Distribution
24 March 2009 – resigned on 24 March 2009
16 May 2009 – re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (4th term) as an independent candidate from 47 – Kolhapur Constituency.
Social & Cultural Activities – organized students Union & Set up Co-operative Sugar Factory, Milk & Farm Products Processing Units
Special Interests – Music, reading, cinema & drama,
Favorite Pastime & Recreation – Arts & culture,
Sports & Clubs – Wrestling, kabaddi & gymnastics,
Other information -
Participated in Goa Liberation Movement;
A) Founder chairman
1) 1996 - Sadashivrao Mandlik Kagal Taluka Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Hamidawada, Tal.Kagal, Dist.Kolahpur,
2) 1962-67 - Kagal Taluka Supervising Union,
3) 1976-78 - Shetakari Sahakari Sangh Kolhapur
4) 1977-79 - Secondary School Non-Teachers Employees Organization Maharashtra;
5) Krishi Udyog Sangh, Dist.Kolhapur,
6) Vigilance & Monitoring Committee, Kolhapur Dist & State Level Consultative Committee, Food Corporation of India,
B) Director
1) Kolhapur District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Dist Kolhapur,
2) Dudhuganga Vedaganga Sahakai Sakhar Karkhana Bidri
C) Founder –
(1) Kagal Taluka Farmers & Students Organization &
(2) Jai Shivrai Education Society, general secretary,
(3) Students Organization Dist Kolhapur 1957-58,
(4) Actively participated in Samykta Maharashtra
D) Movements
(1) Maharashtra -Karnataka Border issue movement 1956,
(2) Goa Liberation Movement
(3) Worked successfully as a chairman of Public Works & District Health Department – Zhilla
Parishad Kolhapur 1960–62,
(4) Development council for Sugar Industry,
(5) Konkan Railway User's Consultative Committee;
(6) Telephone Advisory Committee, Kolhapur &
(7) Director : Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank Ltd.,
(8) Visited Iraq as Member of the Good Will Mission in 2001