Sang Kee Paik (1929–2009), also known in Korean reference as Paik Sang Kee, was a South Korean martial arts grandmaster and creator of a Kwon Bup system he called Sa-Sang Kwan (Korean: school of the four natural elements: air, earth, fire, and water).
Paik was one of the first pupils to receive the black belt under Yoon Byung-In, and Kim Ki Whang with whom he continued his training after Yoon's disappearance during the Korean War.
Paik's system of Sa-Sang built upon the Ch'uan Fa (Korean: Kwon Bup) he had mastered under Yoon Byung-In, and included elements of Shudokan karate from both Yoon and Kim.
Paik completed the system with his research into training effective kicking techniques.
He created four primary forms (Korean: hyung), symbolizing each of the four natural elements.
He also developed a rigorous philosophy unique to the system, and intended to be carried into one's everyday life.